That Festival Site

Next.js Strapi - Node.js Headless CMS


The project's main goal was to create a new modern website with a friendly interface that is comfortable to work with.

The problem the client was facing:

Our client had the festival website with the ability to view information about different events. As the geography and the number of website users expanded, it was clear that the old system didn`t support such a big load of data. Moreover, old technology couldn`t cover the new features the customer had in mind.

Our solution:

We redesigned and reworked the platform from scratch, starting with design research, UI/UX, and user testing. For development, we used Next.js and a headless Node.js CMS, Strapi. The current system handles a lot more load and has no performance issues, entirely solving the customer`s problem.

Technologies stack:


Strapi - Node.js Headless CMS

Technical challenges:

- dealing with the high volume of data in the CMS system

- creating precise instructions for the client posed challenges

- migration of an extensive working database

- ongoing updates and modifications to the migrated database


Jack Malloch, Founder, That Festival Site

"The design team was amazing; they brought our concept and business needs to life".

The best way to get acquainted with the project is to ask the team which worked on it. So let's see how our team describes this project.

Ihnat Roik, UI/UX Designer

"It was unusual and interesting from the view of an unacceptable style — I was inspired by brutalism and old music posters.

From UI/UX point of view, it was an ordinary classified site, but about consents and musical events."

Oleksii Mordiuk, Junior Software Engineer

"The most challenging aspect for me was dealing with technologies I hadn't worked a lot with before to complete specific tasks. Additionally, I often had to work with the server side of the project, which presented additional difficulties. On a broader scale, dealing with the high volume of data in the CMS system and creating precise instructions for the client posed challenges. However, in the end, we achieved our goal and satisfied the client's needs."

Kostiantyn Besedin, Junior Software Engineer

"The most challenging aspect of this project involved the migration of an extensive database of the working site.

Migrating an extensive working database involves ensuring data integrity and consistency throughout the process. Handling any potential data loss or corruption during the migration was crucial, as the database contained valuable and sensitive information. Once the migration was successfully completed, the team had to continue working, which involved ongoing updates and modifications to the database. However, ensuring these changes were implemented seamlessly and without data loss required careful consideration and planning."

Diana Blotnytska, Project Manager

"Minimizing downtime during the migration to the domain was crucial. To achieve this, the team constructed a detailed migration plan that clearly outlined responsibilities for each stage. This allowed for a well-coordinated effort, ensuring that everyone knew their role and could efficiently address any issues. Additionally, the team conducted thorough testing and rehearsals before migrating to the domain. This involved simulating the migration process on multiple servers to ensure the chosen schema and configurations worked effectively. The team could identify and resolve any potential issues by testing the migration on different servers, reducing the chances of extended downtime or unexpected complications.

Overcoming all challenges demonstrates the team's expertise, adaptability, and commitment to delivering a reliable, high-quality product."